راجع به ترکیب لغات زیر معادل فارسی ای در نظر گرفتم، اما مطمئن نیستم که همان معادل متداول هست.
A laminar boundary layer grows from the leading edge, “communicating” the presence of the boundary farther into the bulk of the flow.
و در پایان transition رو در جمله زیر چی ترجمه میکنید.
This is shown in Figure 4 indicating the laminar, transition and turbulent region, respectively called viscous sub-layer, buffer layer and log-law region.
- the velocity profile
- wall-normal direction
- The friction velocity
- normalized wall distance
- near-wall velocity profile
- log-law region
- Law of the wall
- the thermal boundary layer
- Multiple wall interactions
- the two interconnected phenomena
- The fluid specific heat
A laminar boundary layer grows from the leading edge, “communicating” the presence of the boundary farther into the bulk of the flow.
و در پایان transition رو در جمله زیر چی ترجمه میکنید.
This is shown in Figure 4 indicating the laminar, transition and turbulent region, respectively called viscous sub-layer, buffer layer and log-law region.
.Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success
Dr. Joyce Brothers