12-04-2015, 04:35 PM
جهت کاهش استرس بچه ها
انقدر نگران مدیکال نباشید. در بدترین حالت طول میکشه و ریجکت نمی کنند.
اما در مورد ریجکت کردن واقعا متمدن برخورد می کنند. شاید بپرسید چرا. یک بیماری غیر قابل درمان وجود داره به نام Autism. یکی از اپلیکنت های ورشو، کودک مبتلا به Autism داشتند و اعلام کردند به دکتر. ایشون هم ریپورت کردند و ریجکت شدند. ولی چیز ناگهانی نبوده. نامه زدند گفتند که شما به خاطر اوتیسم داشتن کودک ممکنه ( و به عبارتی حتما ) شرایط اومدن به کانادا رو ندارید چون بیشتر از 6327 دلار در سال خرج میزارید رو دست دولت. بعد هم گفتن این بیماری کودکتون 201500 دلار خرج رو دست دولت میزاره. به خاطر همین شرایط اومدن رو ندارید.
حالا شاید بپرسید چرا میگم استرس نداشته باشید. انتهای نامه گفته قبل از این که رد کنیم فرصت دارید:
1. مدارک تکمیلی بفرستید (که مثلا اشتباه شده یا اصلا اوتیسم نداره و غیره، یا مثلا اونقدر که میگید حاد نیست. درجه اش خفیف تره)
2. اطلاعاتی بدید که ما اشتباه هزینه ها رو محاسبه کردیم
3. بگید برنامه خودتون چیه؟ مثلا آیا برنامه درمانی دارید که انقدر خرج نذاره؟ (مثلا با گفتن این که پول درمان رو خودم میدم و غیره) بعد هم یه فرمیه که برای این که بگید Intent شما اینه که مثلا خرج رو خودتون بدید که باید امضا شه.
حتی یک مورد ابتلا به ایدز، در واقع hiv positive دیدم که تعهد گرفتن که اینجا هزینه هات با خودته فقط باید تو دوره آموزشی شرکت کنی که یه وقت به کسی انتقال ندی. حالا این رو بخونید تا استرستون کم شه و بدونید که اگر مشکلات ناچیزی داشته باشید که هزینه اش از اون عرف کمتر باشه کسی بهتون گیر نخواهد داد.
انقدر نگران مدیکال نباشید. در بدترین حالت طول میکشه و ریجکت نمی کنند.
اما در مورد ریجکت کردن واقعا متمدن برخورد می کنند. شاید بپرسید چرا. یک بیماری غیر قابل درمان وجود داره به نام Autism. یکی از اپلیکنت های ورشو، کودک مبتلا به Autism داشتند و اعلام کردند به دکتر. ایشون هم ریپورت کردند و ریجکت شدند. ولی چیز ناگهانی نبوده. نامه زدند گفتند که شما به خاطر اوتیسم داشتن کودک ممکنه ( و به عبارتی حتما ) شرایط اومدن به کانادا رو ندارید چون بیشتر از 6327 دلار در سال خرج میزارید رو دست دولت. بعد هم گفتن این بیماری کودکتون 201500 دلار خرج رو دست دولت میزاره. به خاطر همین شرایط اومدن رو ندارید.
حالا شاید بپرسید چرا میگم استرس نداشته باشید. انتهای نامه گفته قبل از این که رد کنیم فرصت دارید:
1. مدارک تکمیلی بفرستید (که مثلا اشتباه شده یا اصلا اوتیسم نداره و غیره، یا مثلا اونقدر که میگید حاد نیست. درجه اش خفیف تره)
2. اطلاعاتی بدید که ما اشتباه هزینه ها رو محاسبه کردیم
3. بگید برنامه خودتون چیه؟ مثلا آیا برنامه درمانی دارید که انقدر خرج نذاره؟ (مثلا با گفتن این که پول درمان رو خودم میدم و غیره) بعد هم یه فرمیه که برای این که بگید Intent شما اینه که مثلا خرج رو خودتون بدید که باید امضا شه.
This letter concerns your application for permanent residence in Canada.Based on a review of your file, it appears that your family member, …………….. maynot meet the requirements for immigration to Canada.
I have determined that your family member is a person whose healthcondition might reasonably be expected to cause excessive demand on socialservices in Canada.An excessive demand is a demand for which the anticipated costs exceed theaverage Canadian per capita health and social services costs, which iscurrently set at $ 6,327.00 per year. Pursuant to subsection 38(1) and pursuantto section 42 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, it thereforeappears that you may be inadmissible on health grounds.
Your family member has the following medical condition ordiagnosis: AUTISTIC SPECTRUM DISORDER
If admitted to Canada,….. will require a review by a multi-disciplinary team experienced in dealingwith children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and learning difficulties toassess his level of development, determine his educational needs, and providecounselling and support for him and his family. From this evaluation hewould almost certainly be identified as an exceptional student requiring specialeducation and special funding would be allocated to him so that he couldreceive this education. It is reasonable to expect that special education willlikely be required throughout his schooling years. This special education iscostly and publicly funded.
Specifically, this client has Autistic Spectrum Disorder thatmight reasonably lead to him requiring special education and special servicesthe cost of which would likely exceed the average Canadian per capita costsover 5 years. Special education and special support services are costly andpublicly funded. This health condition might also reasonably be expected torequire services that would add to existing waiting lists and delay or deny theprovision of these services to those in Canada who need and are entitled tothem. Source of information:http://www.inclusionbc.org/parent-s-...tion-policy/ba http://www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/autism/funding_programs.htm
Other Information:
The expected cost for health related services for this applicantis $201500 over 5 years. This amount exceeds the average per capita thresholdof $6,327.00 annually. A detailed list of special education and specialsupport services required, cost implications as well as sources used todetermine these costs are included in Appendix I.
Based upon my review of the results of this applicant'simmigration medical examination and all the reports I have received withrespect to the applicant's health condition, I conclude that this applicant isinadmissible under Section 38(1)© of the Immigration and Refugee ProtectionAct which states that "A foreign national is inadmissible on health groundsif their health condition might reasonably be expected to cause excessivedemand on health or social services."
Appendix I: Expected Costs of Services
Social Services/Special Education
$ 91500
Source of Information: http://www.inclusionbc.org/parent-s-...cation/useful-
The Autism Funding: Under Age 6 program
$ 110000
Source of Information: http://www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/autism/funding_programs.htm
Before I make a final decision, you have the opportunity to submitadditional information that addresses any or all of the following
• the medicalcondition(s) identified;
• social services required in Canada for the period indicated above; and
• your individualized plan to ensure that no excessive demand will be imposed on Canadian social services for the entire period indicated above and your signed Declaration of Ability and Intent.
You must provide any additional information within 60 days of thedate of this letter. If you choose not to respond, I will make my decisionbased on the information before me, which may result in your application beingrefused.
In order to demonstrate that your family member will not place anexcessive demand on social services, if permitted to immigrate to Canada, youmust establish to the satisfaction of the assessing officer that you have areasonable and workable plan, along with the financial means and intent toimplement this plan, in order to offset the excessive demand that you wouldotherwise impose on social services, after immigrating to Canada. The sectionsof the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations that define the meanings of “social services” and “excessive demand” are included for your reference.
Please ensure that you quote the file number indicated at the topof this letter on any information you submit.
Yours truly,
Immigration Officer
Immigration Section
Embassy of Canada
Warsaw, Poland
I have determined that your family member is a person whose healthcondition might reasonably be expected to cause excessive demand on socialservices in Canada.An excessive demand is a demand for which the anticipated costs exceed theaverage Canadian per capita health and social services costs, which iscurrently set at $ 6,327.00 per year. Pursuant to subsection 38(1) and pursuantto section 42 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, it thereforeappears that you may be inadmissible on health grounds.
Your family member has the following medical condition ordiagnosis: AUTISTIC SPECTRUM DISORDER
If admitted to Canada,….. will require a review by a multi-disciplinary team experienced in dealingwith children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and learning difficulties toassess his level of development, determine his educational needs, and providecounselling and support for him and his family. From this evaluation hewould almost certainly be identified as an exceptional student requiring specialeducation and special funding would be allocated to him so that he couldreceive this education. It is reasonable to expect that special education willlikely be required throughout his schooling years. This special education iscostly and publicly funded.
Specifically, this client has Autistic Spectrum Disorder thatmight reasonably lead to him requiring special education and special servicesthe cost of which would likely exceed the average Canadian per capita costsover 5 years. Special education and special support services are costly andpublicly funded. This health condition might also reasonably be expected torequire services that would add to existing waiting lists and delay or deny theprovision of these services to those in Canada who need and are entitled tothem. Source of information:http://www.inclusionbc.org/parent-s-...tion-policy/ba http://www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/autism/funding_programs.htm
Other Information:
The expected cost for health related services for this applicantis $201500 over 5 years. This amount exceeds the average per capita thresholdof $6,327.00 annually. A detailed list of special education and specialsupport services required, cost implications as well as sources used todetermine these costs are included in Appendix I.
Based upon my review of the results of this applicant'simmigration medical examination and all the reports I have received withrespect to the applicant's health condition, I conclude that this applicant isinadmissible under Section 38(1)© of the Immigration and Refugee ProtectionAct which states that "A foreign national is inadmissible on health groundsif their health condition might reasonably be expected to cause excessivedemand on health or social services."
Appendix I: Expected Costs of Services
Social Services/Special Education
$ 91500
Source of Information: http://www.inclusionbc.org/parent-s-...cation/useful-
The Autism Funding: Under Age 6 program
$ 110000
Source of Information: http://www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/autism/funding_programs.htm
Before I make a final decision, you have the opportunity to submitadditional information that addresses any or all of the following
• the medicalcondition(s) identified;
• social services required in Canada for the period indicated above; and
• your individualized plan to ensure that no excessive demand will be imposed on Canadian social services for the entire period indicated above and your signed Declaration of Ability and Intent.
You must provide any additional information within 60 days of thedate of this letter. If you choose not to respond, I will make my decisionbased on the information before me, which may result in your application beingrefused.
In order to demonstrate that your family member will not place anexcessive demand on social services, if permitted to immigrate to Canada, youmust establish to the satisfaction of the assessing officer that you have areasonable and workable plan, along with the financial means and intent toimplement this plan, in order to offset the excessive demand that you wouldotherwise impose on social services, after immigrating to Canada. The sectionsof the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations that define the meanings of “social services” and “excessive demand” are included for your reference.
Please ensure that you quote the file number indicated at the topof this letter on any information you submit.
Yours truly,
Immigration Officer
Immigration Section
Embassy of Canada
Warsaw, Poland