13-04-2015, 07:05 PM
دوستان پاريس به ايميل پيگيري من جواب داد. جواب ايميل بدين شرح است:
Dear Applicant,
This is in response to your recent communication.
Your request is to this day in our normal processing time and we do not respond to requests for file status within that period. We do not acknowledge receipt of the documents. We will contact you when necessary. Remember that time spent responding to emails is not devoted to treatment applications.
Please please refer to email "Acknowledgement" to follow the web link that will let you know our average processing times.
You can also follow the progress of your application by visiting the following page on the CIC website:
www.cic.gc.ca / french and in "I want ...", located on the right side of the page, select "Check the status of an application."
Cordialement / Kindly
Service de l'immigration / Immigration Section / MDY
Ambassade du Canada / Canadian Embassy
37, avenue Montaigne
75008 Paris
01 44 43 29 16
Dear Applicant,
This is in response to your recent communication.
Your request is to this day in our normal processing time and we do not respond to requests for file status within that period. We do not acknowledge receipt of the documents. We will contact you when necessary. Remember that time spent responding to emails is not devoted to treatment applications.
Please please refer to email "Acknowledgement" to follow the web link that will let you know our average processing times.
You can also follow the progress of your application by visiting the following page on the CIC website:
www.cic.gc.ca / french and in "I want ...", located on the right side of the page, select "Check the status of an application."
Cordialement / Kindly
Service de l'immigration / Immigration Section / MDY
Ambassade du Canada / Canadian Embassy
37, avenue Montaigne
75008 Paris
01 44 43 29 16