(17-08-2015, 10:45 PM)mgorji نوشته: سلام
دوستان در پاسخ به این ایمیل
Thanks for your enquiry. Can you provide me with some more information please?
1.What date do you mean by Fall 2016? We have different times for each season in Australia.
2.Can you send me your academic transcript and grades achieved in your Masters and UG programs?
3.Are you speaking to anyone else in my department or at this or another Australian University?
4.Are you interested in tick-by-tick financial data and modelling?
این جواب ها به نظرتون مناسبه؟
Many thanks for your considerations.
1. I would like to apologize for any confusion caused through my email. I would like to apply for the July 2016.
2. Since I do not have translated documents at the moment, I would be grateful if you give me time to prepare them. Surely, I do my best to prepare them as soon as possible.3. No, I spoke with one professor at an Australian University in the past, but he did not have a vacant PhD position.
4. Yes, this is one of my favorite issues in Finance.
ممنون از شما
Thanks for your consideration
I would like to apologize for any confusion caused through my email. I would like to apply for the July 2016
Since I have not translated my transcripts at the moment, I would be grateful if you give me some time to prepare them. Surely, I do my best to prepare them as soon as possible
As a matter of fact, I spoke with a professor at an Australian University , but he did not have a vacant PhD position
Actually, this is one of my favorite issues in Finance
اگر در مورد اون موضوع کمی اطلاعات در حد دو سطر دارید بنویسید چون حتما استاد خواهد خواند ایمیلتون رو حتی اگر دراز باشه.
احتمال داره مصاحبه بذاره باهاتون اگر ریزنمراتتون متقاعدش کنه!
جواب سوال اول خیلی قشنگه!
احتمال داره مصاحبه بذاره باهاتون اگر ریزنمراتتون متقاعدش کنه!
جواب سوال اول خیلی قشنگه!
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دوستان گرامی لطفا سوالتون رو در مرتبط ترین انجمن و فقط یکبار بپرسید. از پاسخ دادن به سوالات خصوصی و عمومی در پیام خصوصی معذورم.