سلام,دوستان من مقاله ام رو سابمیت کرده بودم و امروز ایمیل زدن رد شده ولی دلیلی نگفتن چرا که بدونم ایراد کجای کار بوده,میشه راهنمایی کنید..بدونم چه قسمتش ایراد داره برطرف کنم..به جواب مقاله سریعا نیازمندم..
Thank you for submitting your paper, "Analysing liveliness of urban streets with an emphasis on increasing urban area quality Case study: Rahnamayi Street of Mashhad, Iran.", to International Development Planning Review. Both editors have now read your paper and I am afraid have come to the decision that although your paper deals with an interesting topic it is not suited in its current form to our journal.
Thank you for considering International Development Planning Review for the publication of your research and we wish you all the best for publishing your work elsewhere.
Yours sincerely,
Thank you for submitting your paper, "Analysing liveliness of urban streets with an emphasis on increasing urban area quality Case study: Rahnamayi Street of Mashhad, Iran.", to International Development Planning Review. Both editors have now read your paper and I am afraid have come to the decision that although your paper deals with an interesting topic it is not suited in its current form to our journal.
Thank you for considering International Development Planning Review for the publication of your research and we wish you all the best for publishing your work elsewhere.
Yours sincerely,