یه سوال !!
برای سوالات rhetorical توی کتاب خود ETS دو تا تیپ نوشته :
اما معمولا توی ریدینگ ها به این واضحی نمیاد که آدم بنتونه دقیقا انتخاب کنه !! چون مثالی که خودش توی کتاب آورده خیلی خنده دار هست !!
میخوام بدونم نکته ای نداره که بشه فهمید ؟؟ (نکته ی تستی ای چیزی !)
برای سوالات rhetorical توی کتاب خود ETS دو تا تیپ نوشته :
نقل قول:Tips for Rhetorical Purpose Questions1.) Know the definitions of these words or phrases, which are often used to describe different kinds of rhetorical purposes: "definition," "example", "to illustrate", "to explain," "to contrast" "to refute", "to note", "to criticize," "function of"2.) Rhetorical Purpose questions usally do not ask about the overall organization of the reading passage. Instead, they typically focus on the logical links between sentences and paragraphs.
اما معمولا توی ریدینگ ها به این واضحی نمیاد که آدم بنتونه دقیقا انتخاب کنه !! چون مثالی که خودش توی کتاب آورده خیلی خنده دار هست !!
نقل قول:EXAMPLEPassage Excerpt"... Sensitivity to phsical laws is thus an important consideration for the maker of applied-art-objects. It is often taken for granted that this is also true for the maker of line art objects. This assumption misses a significant difference between the two disciplines. Fine-art objects are not constrained by the laws of physics in the same way that applied-art objects are. Because their primary purpose is not funtional, they are only limited in terms of the materials used to make them. Sculptures must, for example, be stable, which requires an understanding of the properties of mass, weight distribution, and stress. Paintings must have rigid stretchers so that the canvas will be taut, and the paint must not deteriorate, crack, or discolor. These are problems that must be covercome by the artist because they tend to intrude upon his or her conception of the work. For example, in the early Italian Renaissance, bronze statues of horses with a raised foreleg usually had a cannonball under that hoof. This was done because the cannonball was needed to support the weight of the leg..."Question:Why does the author discuss bronze statues of horses created by artists in the early Italian Renaissance?A) To provide an example of a problem related to the laws of physics that a fine artist must overcomeB) To argue that fine artists are unconcerned with the laws of physicsC) To contrast the relative sophistication of modern artists in solving problems related tothe laws of physicsD) To note an exceptional piece of art constructed without the aid of technology.
میخوام بدونم نکته ای نداره که بشه فهمید ؟؟ (نکته ی تستی ای چیزی !)
The freedom to make my own mistakes Was all I've ever wanted