11-11-2015, 03:12 PM
کسی میدونه این شاخص SJR چی هست؟ فرقش با IF؟
The SJR indicator is an open-access resource, while the journal IF requires paid subscription. The SJR indicator (based on Scopus data) lists considerably more journal titles published in a wider variety of countries and languages, than the journal IF (based on Web of Science data). Both indices divide citations to a journal by articles of the journal, during a specific time period. However, contrary to the journal IF, the SJR indicator attributes different weight to citations depending on the "prestige" of the citing journal without the influence of journal self-citations; prestige is estimated with the application of the PageRank algorithm in the network of journals. In addition, the SJR indicator includes the total number of documents of a journal in the denominator of the relevant calculation, whereas the journal IF includes only "citable" articles (mainly original articles and reviews)
کسی میدونه این شاخص SJR چی هست؟ فرقش با IF؟
The SJR indicator is an open-access resource, while the journal IF requires paid subscription. The SJR indicator (based on Scopus data) lists considerably more journal titles published in a wider variety of countries and languages, than the journal IF (based on Web of Science data). Both indices divide citations to a journal by articles of the journal, during a specific time period. However, contrary to the journal IF, the SJR indicator attributes different weight to citations depending on the "prestige" of the citing journal without the influence of journal self-citations; prestige is estimated with the application of the PageRank algorithm in the network of journals. In addition, the SJR indicator includes the total number of documents of a journal in the denominator of the relevant calculation, whereas the journal IF includes only "citable" articles (mainly original articles and reviews)
ناخواناترین نوشته ها از قوی ترین حافظه ها ماندگارترند...
دوستان گرامی لطفا سوالتون رو در مرتبط ترین انجمن و فقط یکبار بپرسید. از پاسخ دادن به سوالات خصوصی و عمومی در پیام خصوصی معذورم.
دوستان گرامی لطفا سوالتون رو در مرتبط ترین انجمن و فقط یکبار بپرسید. از پاسخ دادن به سوالات خصوصی و عمومی در پیام خصوصی معذورم.