(15-12-2015, 03:56 PM)akbar_saeedi نوشته: سلام دوستان
روی یکیش بیشتر کار کردم..نظرتونو میگید..
To Whom It May ConcernIt's with great pleasure that I am writing Mr. Akbar Bahramis' this letter as a of recommendation letter to suggest as a prospective student for your program.I have known him Akbar for six years both as his teacher in different courses in undergraduate studies and also as his Master thesis advisor. Akbar was always an active student in discussions, constantly asking probing questions, making thoughtful comments and participitating in all classes. Therefore, I was not surprised when he accomplished was able to getting achieve perfect marks of 19 and 20 (out of 20) orderly at courses of in Seminar and Training respectively, and putting him at the top of my students (or: in the top percentile of my students). He has always shown great was intelligence, ambition and self-motivation, which could also be seen in doing his assignments and projects.Furthermore, his impressive enthusiam for learning, both in general and technical aspects, greatly motivated me as a teacher. I can remember when I was teaching for a Master students at course of Advanced Laboratory Methods in using HPLC, GC and Mass spectrometry, the Akbars' eagerness of to master skills and his request to do experiments after working hours were wonderful for me and strongly impressed me. His professional class presentations showed his distinctive character, while his and valuable contribution in the department' meetings as the representative of Master Students made his pleasant manner and leadership clear were the signs of his intelligence, carefulness and distinctive character. He was the first student who defended his lucrative thesis which was trustworthy to me as his advisor.Akbar has been a top student during his study and research in our department and a pleasure/joy to teach and work with. I strongly recommend him as an outstanding candidate for your Food Science & Technology program.I'd be happy if I could provide any further information in case of supporting Mr. Bahramis' application to your school. Please, do not hesitate to contact me.
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