اميدوارم همگي سلامت و شاد به سمت افق هاي روشن در حركت باشيد.
متن زير توصيه هاي آقاي Charles Elster نويسنده ي كتاب وربال ادونتيج هست كه در پاسخ به ايميل من براي آمادگي براي اين آزمون نوشتند البته در 40 روز. ديدم خالي از لطف نيست كه توصيه هاي ايشون رو با شما سهيم شم. ضمن اينكه ايشون به عنوان يك نيتيو قطعا ديدگاهش به آزمون GRE يك نگرش درست و كمك كننده است . ضمنا در متنشون به دو كتاب ديگه اشاره كردند كه من پرسيده بودم و اون دو كتاب دو عنوان زير هستند :
اميدوارم همگي سلامت و شاد به سمت افق هاي روشن در حركت باشيد.
متن زير توصيه هاي آقاي Charles Elster نويسنده ي كتاب وربال ادونتيج هست كه در پاسخ به ايميل من براي آمادگي براي اين آزمون نوشتند البته در 40 روز. ديدم خالي از لطف نيست كه توصيه هاي ايشون رو با شما سهيم شم. ضمن اينكه ايشون به عنوان يك نيتيو قطعا ديدگاهش به آزمون GRE يك نگرش درست و كمك كننده است . ضمنا در متنشون به دو كتاب ديگه اشاره كردند كه من پرسيده بودم و اون دو كتاب دو عنوان زير هستند :
Essential Words for the GRE by: philip Geer, Ed.M.
1100 Words you need to know by: Murray Bromberg, Melvin Gordon
شادزي1100 Words you need to know by: Murray Bromberg, Melvin Gordon
Dear Simon
Thanks for contacting me. Building vocabulary takes time, but I think you
can make good progress in 40 days if you work hard and devote enough time
to it. Studying my VerbalAdvantage and those two other books you
mentioned should help a lot. Here are some suggestions on how you might do
that most efficiently:
Go through the GRE and 1100 words books and highlight, or record
elsewhere, all the words whose meaning you don't know or are unsure of.
Then, each day, preferably twice a day, study at least 20 of those words.
You can also use flashcards or a similar method to test yourself, writing
the word on one side of the card and the definition on the other.
With my VerbalAdvantage book, focus on the keyword discussions and
their accompanying review quizzes and skip everything else -- for now.
(You can always come back to that material later.) Study, and review the
next day, at least 15 keywords each day, starting at the beginning and
working through the book. Make sure you get at least 8 answers right on
the review quizzes before continuing. This should get you through the book
within 40 days. If you find it rough going in the higher levels, don't
worry. If you can get through eight or nine levels by the time you take
the test, you'll probably be in good shape.
Finally, I strongly recommend that you try to get your hands on some
actual sample GRE tests, either in print or online, and take as many as
you can -- first without a time limit and then on the clock. Half the battle
of doing well on these tests is learning how to take them. Just
knowing what to expect should help you a great deal.
I hope you find this advice helpful, and best of luck to you on the test.
Charles Harrington Elster
Thanks for contacting me. Building vocabulary takes time, but I think you
can make good progress in 40 days if you work hard and devote enough time
to it. Studying my VerbalAdvantage and those two other books you
mentioned should help a lot. Here are some suggestions on how you might do
that most efficiently:
Go through the GRE and 1100 words books and highlight, or record
elsewhere, all the words whose meaning you don't know or are unsure of.
Then, each day, preferably twice a day, study at least 20 of those words.
You can also use flashcards or a similar method to test yourself, writing
the word on one side of the card and the definition on the other.
With my VerbalAdvantage book, focus on the keyword discussions and
their accompanying review quizzes and skip everything else -- for now.
(You can always come back to that material later.) Study, and review the
next day, at least 15 keywords each day, starting at the beginning and
working through the book. Make sure you get at least 8 answers right on
the review quizzes before continuing. This should get you through the book
within 40 days. If you find it rough going in the higher levels, don't
worry. If you can get through eight or nine levels by the time you take
the test, you'll probably be in good shape.
Finally, I strongly recommend that you try to get your hands on some
actual sample GRE tests, either in print or online, and take as many as
you can -- first without a time limit and then on the clock. Half the battle
of doing well on these tests is learning how to take them. Just
knowing what to expect should help you a great deal.
I hope you find this advice helpful, and best of luck to you on the test.
Charles Harrington Elster
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