08-05-2012, 01:20 PM
ورشو ظرف یک روز به من جواب داد . پاسخ به سوال در مورد معیار ارسال مدیکال . پاسخ کوتاه و مفید بود 
Dear Sir,
This is in response to your e-mail.
Please note this
e-mail address does not match the email address
provided in the application
forms. Therefore we are unable to
conclusively determine that this e-mail has
originated from either the
applicant or an authorized representative. If you
wish to receive our
response please use the e-mail address provided in the
application form
or change your e-mail address in accordance with the
procedures provided
If you wish to change your mailing address
(including e-mail address),
please make a signed request (the applicant's
hand-written signature
should be placed under the request; the signature must
match the sample
left in your application form) to this effect and send it to
this office
by e-mail attachment, fax or regular mail.
به همین سادگی . حالا وکیل هم که از این سوالها از طرف ما نمیپرسه

Dear Sir,
This is in response to your e-mail.
Please note this
e-mail address does not match the email address
provided in the application
forms. Therefore we are unable to
conclusively determine that this e-mail has
originated from either the
applicant or an authorized representative. If you
wish to receive our
response please use the e-mail address provided in the
application form
or change your e-mail address in accordance with the
procedures provided
If you wish to change your mailing address
(including e-mail address),
please make a signed request (the applicant's
hand-written signature
should be placed under the request; the signature must
match the sample
left in your application form) to this effect and send it to
this office
by e-mail attachment, fax or regular mail.
به همین سادگی . حالا وکیل هم که از این سوالها از طرف ما نمیپرسه

کشور من جاییست که مردم برای رفتن از آن به هم تبریک میگویند !