26-12-2011, 11:21 PM
با تشکر مجدد از همه دوستانی که کمک کردن. توصیه های شما راهگشا و مفید بود. من تغییراتی توی توصیه نامه بوجود آوردم و متن اصلاح شده رو مجددا اینجا قرار میدم.امیدوارم دوستان اینبار هم راهنمایی کنن (ممنون میشم اگر مشخصا به ایرادات اشاره کنید که راحتتر بشه اصلاحشون کرد):
To whom it may concern:
I know X for two years as his teacher.
X asked me to write a recommendation letter for him, because we had a course together: the lab of computer architecture. He got a perfect mark in it: a full 20/20! I think this shows his perfect performance clearly. Beyond his excellent point, he has some other outstanding qualities that I rather to mention. He was so organized during this practical course – that is so important about these types of courses. These sorts of courses are based on detecting, analyzing and then solving the issues and he did it well as an innovative student. Another aspect of his personality is his interest in teamwork. The course was generally related to teamwork activities and he could afford it very well along with his group members well to solve the problems perfectly. We had a time pressure in each class session to complete a whole part of the course and he did it suitably too. Finally his great mark put him at the top of the class.
Based on my knowledge about him and his personality, he has sufficient potential to do as a meritorious student at the MSc programs. Please don’t hesitate to contact me later, if you need more information about him.
For more information, contact to:
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